Gifted Education

Gifted Education

This collection of episodes feature interviews with renown researchers and educators who speak on topics related to Gifted Education.

How to Engage, Inspire, and Promote Creativity with Dr. Joseph Renzulli

How to Engage, Inspire, and Promote Creativity with Dr. Joseph Renzulli

Review Transcript How can we inspire and hold space for gifted and talented kids to express their creativity?  In this…Listen Now
Talking Talented and Giftedness with Dr. Sally Reis

Talking Talented and Giftedness with Dr. Sally Reis

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Discussing Excellence Gaps and Creativity with Dr. Jonathan Plucker - Part 2

Discussing Excellence Gaps and Creativity with Dr. Jonathan Plucker – Part 2

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Exploring Twice Exceptional Students and Mathematical Artistry with Kristin Lehman

Exploring Twice Exceptional Students and Mathematical Artistry with Kristin Lehman

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