Fueling Creativity in Education Podcast

Creativity Research

This collection of episodes feature interviews with renown researchers who write or explore creativity topics and discuss their relationship in education.  

Discussing Excellence Gaps and Creativity with Dr. Jonathan Plucker - Part 1

Discussing Excellence Gaps and Creativity with Dr. Jonathan Plucker - Part 1

Review Transcript In what ways can creativity be infused into mathematics education, especially for students who may not naturally gravitate…
Discussing Neuroscience and Creativity with Dr. Anna Abraham- Part One

Discussing Neuroscience and Creativity with Dr. Anna Abraham- Part One

Review Transcript Is there a difference between an imaginative mind and a creative mind?  In this episode of the Fueling…
How emotions influence the creative process with Dr. Zorana Ivcevic Pringle

How emotions influence the creative process with Dr. Zorana Ivcevic Pringle

Review Transcript In what ways can creativity be infused into mathematics education, especially for students who may not naturally gravitate…
The Creativity Advantage with Dr. James Kaufman

The Creativity Advantage with Dr. James Kaufman

Review Transcript What is the advantage of creativity and what it is relationship with how we approach everyday life and…
AI and Creativity: Opportunities and Challenges in Education with Dr. James Kaufman

AI and Creativity: Opportunities and Challenges in Education with Dr. James Kaufman

Review Transcript How will generative AI impact the future of creativity, and will the rich get richer? In this double…
Creativity Special with Dr. Howard Gardner

Creativity Special with Dr. Howard Gardner

Review Transcript What is originality in a world of generative AI? And, from your book Five Minds of the Future,…
Measuring Creative Potential with Dr. Todd Lubart

Measuring Creative Potential with Dr. Todd Lubart

Review Transcript How do you measure the creative potential of your students? In part one of this double expresso episode…
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