episodes dedicated to
Gifted Education
Our podcast collections bring together episodes focused on specific creativity and education topics, like our Gifted Education collection, which explores strategies, insights, and innovative approaches for nurturing creativity and talent in gifted students..
Featured Guests
Joesph Renzulli
Sally Ries
Jonathan Plucker
Kristin Lehman
How to Engage, Inspire, and Promote Creativity with Dr. Joseph Renzulli
Talking Talented and Giftedness with Dr. Sally Reis
Discussing Excellence Gaps and Creativity with Jonathan Plucker – Part 2
Exploring Twice Exceptional Students and Mathematical Artistry with Kristin Lehman
About This Collection
Gifted Education is a specialized field dedicated to identifying and nurturing the unique talents and potential of high-ability students. It encompasses a range of topics, from strategies to support creativity and advanced learning, to addressing Excellence Gaps—the disparities in achievement among high-potential students from diverse backgrounds. In our podcast’s Gifted Education collection, we dive into these critical issues and explore innovative approaches to foster talent and equitable opportunities for gifted learners. Featuring insights from esteemed educators and researchers, including Dr. Joseph Renzulli, Dr. Sally Reis, and Jonathan Plucker, our episodes provide a deep dive into the evolving landscape of gifted and talented education.
Featured Episodes
Exploring Twice Exceptional Students and Mathematical Artistry with Kristin Lehman
In this episode of the Fueling Creativity in Education Podcast, host Dr. Matthew Worwood and Dr. Cyndi Burnett speak with Kristin Lehman, Director of Educational Services at Hewitt Learning. Kristin discusses the concept of twice-exceptional learners, shedding light on the unique challenges and attributes of such students.
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